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Parents and children of check-in [c2741c67e7]

Fix menu numbering (from adding exposure menu in)

Didn't change functionality (it was still working), but just gives
better consistency to the code. check-in: 4a3cabadc2 user: base@atomicules.co.uk tags: origin/master, trunk

Make the add_menu and add_win subs work

I was still using the "variable pointers" technique, well trying to, and
it wasn't working for things like `set_menu_win` so pull this back out
into main.

Seg faults on exit, but haven't fixed that bit yet. check-in: c2741c67e7 user: base@atomicules.co.uk tags: origin/master, trunk

Try separate win and menu functions

instead of trying to wrap everything in one. This way I know I can
return the correct thing and I know I'm setting things as expected.

As opposed to previous attempt where I was (trying) to use variable
pointers, but with pointers to pointers, etc. And was obviously a bit
beyond me. check-in: e4268c4b4e user: base@atomicules.co.uk tags: origin/master, trunk